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B. Proudew (Hrdý Budžes)- Brno -Co.Labs, Kounicova 22, Brno

Akce již proběhla!


Akce již proběhla!

Co.Labs, Kounicova 22, Brno

Popis akce B. Proudew (Hrdý Budžes)- Brno

Laugh, cringe, and look back at Normalization in Czechoslovakia through the eyes of a girl who is both smart and naive.

This is the English-language premiere of the play that has been selling out Czech theaters for nearly 20 years. It was written by Irena Dousková, translated by Melvyn Clarke, and adapted for the stage by Czech Theater, z.s. 

The play lasts about 3 and a half hours including an intermission. Please respect the government's Covid regulations valid on the performance date.

Cena:250 Kč

PRODEJ VSTUPENEK B. Proudew (Hrdý Budžes)- Brno -Co.Labs, Kounicova 22, Brno


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